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二十多年来,Bluetooth SIG成员社区孜孜不倦地致力于完善和推进一种简单,灵活且安全的无线通信解决方案,以帮助创建无电线的互联世界。

在这段时间里,Bluetooth SIG社区经历了巨大的发展。自2015年以来,已有8,000多家新成员公司加入了Bluetooth SIG。自2018年以来,正在开发的规范项目数量已从34个增加到2020年底的115个,并且预计还会增加。而且,随着Bluetooth SIG成员不断满足新兴的消费者,商业和工业用例的新需求,需要资格认证的Bluetooth产品数量继续增长-从2018年的38亿件年出货量增长到预计的45亿件。 2021年和2025年的62亿。

为了支持这一巨大的扩展,Bluetooth SIG建立了新计划,增加和增强了成员工具,雇用了更多员工,举办了更多活动,并加大了推广Bluetooth技术和保护Bluetooth品牌的努力。尽管SIG的年收入一直在增长,并且SIG一直在寻找提高效率的机会,但已确定我们的收入增长速度不足以为组织的预期未来增长提供足够的资金。

因此,Bluetooth SIG董事会于2021年3月9日批准将所有会员费提高20%,并于2022年1月1日生效。有关收费结构变化的摘要,请参见下表。



For more than 20 years, the Bluetooth SIG member community has worked tirelessly to perfect and advance a simple, flexible, and secure wireless communication solution to help create a connected world, free from wires.

Over that time, the Bluetooth SIG community has experienced tremendous growth. Since 2015, more than 8,000 new member companies have joined the Bluetooth SIG. Since 2018, the number of specification projects under development has grown from 34 to 115 at the end of 2020 and is projected to grow even larger. And, as Bluetooth SIG members continue to meet new demands of emerging consumer, commercial, and industrial use cases, the number of Bluetooth products in need of qualification continues to grow— from 3.8 billion annual shipments in 2018 to an expected 4.5 billion in 2021 and 6.2 billion by 2025.

To support this tremendous expansion, the Bluetooth SIG has established new programs, added and enhanced member tools, hired more staff, hosted more events, as well as increased our efforts to promote Bluetooth technology and protect the Bluetooth brand worldwide. While annual SIG revenue has been increasing, and the SIG continually seeks opportunities to improve efficiency, it has been determined that our revenue is not growing at a rate to adequately fund expected future growth of the organization.

Therefore, on 9 March 2021, the Bluetooth SIG Board of Directors approved a 20 percent increase to all membership fees, to become effective on 1 January 2022. A summary of the changes to the fee structure can be found in the table below.

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